Category: Mr-Jesus

  • Jesus as a spiritual principle

    Jesus as a spiritual principle

    It is easier to hurt than forgive…
    (all words as concessions).

    We derive comfort from beliefs and habits; and in our ignorance we fight wars instead of inquiring into the nature of Reality.

    Authentic religion/spirituality has its place in our personal evolution. To learn to be loving makes life so much easier for everyone.

    At a certain point religion/spirituality becomes a trap, when we live in the past, in ideas, in the should, would, could of the me-belief.

    As a disclaimer: I am a lay-person, not a bible scholar; I am free to read scripture as if it were written only for me.

    Words and meanings change depending on my identity (contracted/time-bound, lacking as “me”, in a world of name and form, or relaxed/open/available as “I am” as an expression of Life, loved and lived).

    Food, shelter and clothing are basic needs; and we have more than enough for everyone; the culprit is our immaturity, our identity.

    Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, except anyone be born from above, he is not able to see the kingdom of God.”

    John 3:3 (Berean Literal Bible)

    “To be born” is another way of saying: you know who you are.

    “Born from below”: we only know what our senses report and our conditioned brain can process. From this viewpoint it is “normal” to identify as a person, to feel lack, to struggle/compete as a “me” amongst eight billion “others”.

    “Born from above”: the private me-entity has been exposed as a myth. Yes, I appear in “this world” as body-mind, but my true nature is Awareness/Spirit. I wasn’t born into a body, I was born into experience. A subtle but profound difference.

    This sharing here is not about beliefs, hopes, mind-stuff.

    It is not about becoming a better person, or to barter with life for future-happiness.

    The Bible is full of cool pointers, but we need to be wise to not miss the mark, i.e. by overthinking or rushing.

    Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus

    In the same Bible we are told not to be double-minded!

    We cannot hold on to our private me-entity and simultaneously be open and available as Universal Mind (Jesus Christ).

    “We cannot serve two masters…”

    Sorry for so many words…
    The whole thing is quite beautiful.

    But it also seems too easy to drown in dead words, mental habits.

    We are already whole and complete, but believing this truth is different from living it.

    Nothing needs to be added, nothing is missing; truth (that which never changes) is not hidden, but only veiled.

    Kudos to Advaita and the Garden Of Friends 🥰

    Do not be afraid, little flock,
    for your Father is pleased
    to give you the kingdom.

    Luke 12:32 (Berean Standard Bible)

    Is pleased = Now, present tense!

    Father = Reality

    kingdom = practical peace in daily living, independent of circumstances.

    Scripture not as a pain-killer, but a precious invitation to learn how to inquire into the nature of reality, to learn how to ask freedom-questions.


    Playful 🥰 … let’s keep it fun!